EMC 2020

Extraordinary Ministerial Conference 2020

As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting hard our countries and territories. Sanitary and financial crisis have been a constant since March this year. As a result of this, the Executive Committee President (Mr Olivier Gaston, Saint Pierre & Miquelon) resigned during the summer. The OCTA Chair called for an Extraordinary Ministerial Conference (EMC) to be held last September 17th. The EMC was organized remotely via a web based platform, and counted with the participation or delegation of all of OCTA members. As an outcome of the EMC, the voting process elected Mr Edmond Paris, Representative of the Aruban Government at the EU, Deputy Minister Plenipotentiary, as the new Executive Committee President.

Mr Gaston has been an outstanding President for the Association during over 18 months, managing to achieve important agreements and successful achievements for the association, such as the continuation of the EU support to OCTA in the same terms as before BREXIT, channelling the management of the Secretariat in a period where there was no Coordinator, securing the proper negotiations for the EDF funds (thematic programme, etc.) and reinforcing the association by increasing the number of actions and activities in which OCTA is involved.

Mr Paris has been ensuring the interim management of the Association since the resignation of the previous Executive Committee President. He will now bring the Executive Committee to the next Ministerial Conference and EU-OCT Forum. Mr Paris will be securing the finalisation of the planned activities for this year and consolidate the work of the previous years to start 2021 strongly.