


Following the COVID-19 crisis, the European Commission has proposed a new health programme “EU4Health”, which aims to make the EU population healthier, by strengthening the resilience of health systems and promoting innovation in the health sector. This new programme will also fill the gaps revealed by the COVID-19 crisis and ensure that EUs health systems are resilient enough to face new and future health threats. 



Eligibility of OCTs

Legal entities established in OCTs are eligible for funding like any other EU Member State (Article 14). 

Key facts of the programme

With an agreed budget of €5.1 billion for 2021-2027,  EU4Health has four main objectives:  

  • To improve health among citizens and reduce the burden of non-commutable disease. That includes promoting health, addressing mental health and cancer. 
  • Protecting people in the EU from serious cross-border health threats and improving crisis management capacity.
  • Making medicines, medical devices and other crisis relevant products, available and affordable and supporting innovation. 
  • Strengthen health systems and the health care workforce, including by investing in public health, for instance through health promotion and disease prevention programmes and improving access to healthcare. 

Relevance of programme for OCTs

While health is a compentency of each territory, following the world health crisis, a programme that finances international joint Health projects can support the recovery of this system by supporting the funding of reforms, sharing of good practices and management of data.


How is the programme managed ?

EU4Health will be implemented by Member States, non-governmental and international organisations who can apply for EU funding in the form of grants, prizes and procurement as well as through indirect management by the European Commission and EU executive agencies.

The EU agencies, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), have a key role to play in Europe’s defence against serious cross border health threats and pandemics, both on the prevention and on the crisis management front. The programme’s actions will complement and enhance the work of these EU Agencies.